Artem Zaevskiy

Hello world!

My name is Artem and this is my first site in internet

I hope i did it right and you can read about me without fu**ing problems :)

Maybe you think: Who are you, boy?

I'm Artem Zaevskiy

Little something About me

I was born In 1998 year in Simferopol', Ukrain.

Studied in school, that near of my home.

And now i studing in university, but it can't call "University" because in here not learning anything. Maybe Just "How to be a stupid and don't grow up. How to die without living a day"

So, as you guessed, i hate this place :)

But i want to studie in cool university and once i will studie somewhere in USA on programming faculty

Or i will study in Google, or Facebook, or Amazon, or Microsoft, or Apple, or etc...I think it's better than that university

Anyway, i tried a many method of earnings. I tried sales, write a book. Worked like animator, waiter and nowhere can't find myself.

So onetime i think: "I need go to the internet". And it is how i started learning programming languages.

This is my work place right now.
But i want to buy a laptop and don't depending on one place

I have a friends (i'm not introvert)

They are of different age, different sex, but all of them I can call my friends.

Some are much older than me and I'm very glad I could find a common language with them

I love my friends (my parents, by the way, are also my friends) and always try to help them, as they do me

Yeah...and i like videogames and anime...
My professional skills

My skill level of programming languages






1% (I can write "Hello world") :)

and i wrote my first calculatop (of cource with help of internet)

just started, but actively learning


0% (will study in the near future)

JavaScript & PHP:

0% (will study in the near future)

Every day i try to learn something new. Everyday i sit near computer and do coding.

I hope at one time i will create a something, that will make the world a better place

I believe in programming and see how it is change the world

And I hope i will can part of this beautifill future world

And I think the programmer's job is one of the coolest in the world. Especially if you work in Silicon valley, which is where I'm aiming. :)